Hospitality Glossary cover

Hospitality Glossary

Here you will find 6230 terms with their proper meaning. These terminologies will be equally helpful for full time professional hoteliers, restaurentiers and students as well. Memorizing terminologies is very helpful in job interviews. It also sounds PROFESSIONAL when you use industry terms rather general words or phrases.

Instructor: COTHM

Language: English

Validity Period: Lifetime

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Here you will find 6230 terms with their proper meaning. These terminologies will be equally helpful for full time professional hoteliers, restaurentiers and students as well. Memorizing terminologies is very helpful in job interviews. It also sounds PROFESSIONAL when you use industry terms rather general words or phrases.

Hospitality Management Terms

  1. General Hotel Terminology     (186 Terms)
  2. Front Office Terminology         (362 Terms)
  3. Housekeeping Terminologies     (517 Terms)
  4. HR Management & Leadership Glossary     (252 Terms)
  5. Pool & Spa Glossary     (224 Terms)
  6. Accounting Terminology     (204 Terms)
  7. Financial Management Glossary     (368 Terms)
  8. Sales & Marketing Terminology     (239 Terms)

Food & Beverage Service Terms

  1. Restaurant Glossary(172 Terms)
  2. Menu Glossary     (164 Terms)
  3. Bartender Glossary     (80 Terms)
  4. Wine Glossary    (154 Terms)
  5. Beer Dictionary    (146 Terms)
  6. Whiskey Glossary    (280 Terms)
  7. Cocktail Glossary    (338 Terms)
  8. Tea Glossary        (78 Terms)
  9. Coffee Glossary    (213 Terms)

Food & Beverage Production Terms 

  1. Cooking Glossary    (245 Terms)
  2. International Cookery Glossary    (588 Terms)
  3. Food Equipment Glossary        (683 Terms)
  4. Herbs & Spices Glossary        (53 Terms)
  5. French Culinary Terms    (684 Terms)
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